Friday, January 18, 2013

NBA vs NFL Be Sure To Read This

Read to the very end! Amazing!
You will be surprised!


36 have been accused of spousal abuse.
7 have been arrested for fraud.
19 have been accused of writing bad checks.
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses.
3 have done time for assault.
71, I repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit.
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges.
8 have been arrested for shoplifting.
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving- In the last year!
Can you guess which organization this is?
Is it the NBA Or NFL? Give up yet?
It is the 535 members of the United States Congress The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
MTW-That is right. OUR lawmakers can do whatever they wish to do, without us as Citizens knowing, thanks to the mainstream media. Washington is crooked, and we already knew before reading this. How does this make you feel? Do you want them to control all of the guns? They are criminals, too, but they make laws exempting themselves from said laws. It is too bad Obama never intended to "Change" jack shit. We sure do need some change.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

Monday, January 14, 2013

One Of The Best

(Don't know who this Pastor is but he hit the nail on the head. As for me, he straightened me out as I was furious that Romney did not win. What a wonderful attitude this man has. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. -- Written by a Pastor}
I, like many Americans, was deeply saddened by the reelection of Obama on Tuesday, was quick to be ashamed of America and the people who voted for him and also questioned why God would allow this to happen Today I started to reflect upon what happened and why. Then it hit me that I wasn't trusting God and He is still in control! Perhaps God in his wisdom knew that Romney was not the right choice for us at this time. Perhaps God in his wisdom knew that whomever got elected was going to face huge problems and why shouldn’t Obama be the one to shoulder that responsibility. After all he is the one who has misled, lied to the American people, and has further plans for the destruction of our Country as we have known and loved it. He now has to "inherit" his own mess and can't blame it on someone else. The media would have crucified Romney over the next four years for "ruining" Obama's hope and change plans and blamed him for all the problems. I believe that our God will show this nation what happens when you allow Godless people to manage the gifts this nation has to offer and He provided for us.
I believe He will expose Obama once and for all for the failure he is and our corrupt media will not be able to save him. I also believe that Obama's attitude and treatment of Israel is not looked upon by God as obeying his command and Obama will have to answer for that. We have another Congressional election coming up in two years and maybe we can get rid of some of the democratic critters that occupy Congress today. Maybe in four years we can run a ticket for President and Vice President like Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. Maybe when America again suffers serious setbacks, people will realize what a weak and corrupt management team we have and be tired of it. I will not question God's wisdom or plans He has for us again, because He is in control and has always done what's best for us. We are reminded that prayer isn't always answered in the way we would like at the time, but God does answer our prayers in His time and in a way that is best for His children.
So, let's keep the Faith, lay our worries at His feet and trust God to take care of us!
This was on my heart today and I hope you all don't mind my expressing these thoughts to you. I am in need of strength, encouragement and understanding as are so many of the faithful and good Americans in our Country today!
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

Teacher Arrested

(Ha- Ha)
A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a compass, a slide-rule and a calculator. At a morning press conference, Attorney General Eric Holder said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement.
He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction.
'Al-Gebra is a problem for us', the Attorney General said. 'They derive solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in search of absolute values.'
They use secret code names like "X" and "Y" and refer to themselves as "unknowns" but we have determined that they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philosopher Isosceles used to say, "There are 3 sides to every triangle."
When asked to comment on the arrest, President Obama said, "If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes." White House aides told reporters they could not recall a more intelligent or profound statement by the President. It is believed that another Nobel Prize will follow.
MTW-This administration is really on top of things. You all know they are morons. Cowards voted them in, afraid of the Mormon “cult”, even though they are also Christians, believing in the Holy Trinity, and accepting Christ into your heart, basically my fellow Christians were not up to par; for a Country founded upon Religious Freedom first and foremost, I take exception to the fact that our leaders are our leaders. I am not Republican. I am a Christian, and a Moderate, who wishes you Washington D.C. children would merely learn how to co-operate. The we are right and you are wrong is not getting us anywhere. I did not vote for these Godless Democrats, nor do I want my freedoms taken, any more than the First and the Second Amendment. God, or “Karma” always seems to work things in the Universe out no matter what. He needs to work on Congress and the whole damned D.C., starting with the White House and A. G.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hard To Believe, And They Want It Here

You're sound asleep when you hear a thump outside your bedroom door.
Half-awake, and nearly paralyzed with fear, you hear muffled whispers. At least two people have broken into your house and are moving your way. With your heart pumping, you reach down beside your bed and pick up your shotgun.
You quietly rack a shell into the chamber, then inch toward the door and open it.
In the darkness, you make out two shadows.
One holds something that looks like a crowbar, the other a knife.
When the intruder brandishes it as if to strike, you raise the shotgun and fire.
The blast knocks both thugs to the floor.
One writhes and screams while the second man crawls to the front door and lurches outside.
As you pick up the telephone to call police, you know you're in trouble.
In your country, most guns were outlawed years before, and the few that are privately owned are so stringently regulated as to make them useless.
Yours was never registered.
Police arrive and inform you that the second burglar has died.
They arrest you for First Degree Murder and Illegal Possession of a Firearm.
When you talk to your attorney, he tells you not to worry: authorities will probably plea the case down to manslaughter.
"What kind of sentence will I get?" you ask.
"Only ten-to-twelve years," he replies, as if that's nothing.
"Behave yourself, and you'll be out in seven."
The next day, the shooting is the lead story in the local newspaper.
Somehow, you're portrayed as an eccentric vigilante while the two men you shot are represented as choirboys.
Their friends and relatives can't find an unkind word to say about them.
Buried deep down in the article, authorities acknowledge that both "victims" have been arrested numerous times.
But the next day's headline says it all: "Lovable Rogue Son Didn't Deserve to Die."
The thieves have been transformed from career criminals into Robin Hood-type pranksters.
As the days wear on, the story takes wings.
The national media picks it up, then the international media.
The surviving burglar has become a folk hero.
Your attorney says the thief is preparing to sue you, and he'll probably win.
The media publishes reports that your home has been burglarized several times in the past and that you've been critical of local police for their lack of effort in apprehending the suspects.
After the last break-in, you told your neighbor that you would be prepared next time.
The District Attorney uses this to allege that you were lying in wait for the burglars. A few months later, you go to trial.
The charges haven't been reduced, as your lawyer had so confidently predicted. When you take the stand, your anger at the injustice of it all works against you.
Prosecutors paint a picture of you as a mean, vengeful man.
It doesn't take long for the jury to convict you of all charges.
The judge sentences you to life in prison.
This case really happened.
On August 22, 1999, Tony Martin of Emneth, Norfolk, England, killed one burglar and wounded a second.
In April, 2000, he was convicted and is now serving a life term.
How did it become a crime to defend one's own life in the once great British Empire?
It started with the Pistols Act of 1903.
This seemingly reasonable law forbade selling pistols to minors or felons and established that handgun sales were to be made only to those who had a license.
The Firearms Act of 1920 expanded licensing to include not only handguns but all firearms except shotguns.
Later laws passed in 1953 and 1967 outlawed the carrying of any weapon by private citizens and mandated the registration of all shotguns.
Momentum for total handgun confiscation began in earnest after the Hungerford mass shooting in 1987.
Michael Ryan, a mentally disturbed man with a Kalashnikov rifle, walked down the streets shooting everyone he saw. When the smoke cleared, 17 people were dead.
The British public, already de-sensitized by eighty years of "gun control", demanded even tougher restrictions.
(The seizure of all privately owned handguns was the objective even though Ryan used a rifle.)
Nine years later, at Dunblane, Scotland, Thomas Hamilton used a semi-automatic weapon to murder 16 children and a teacher at a public school.
For many years, the media had portrayed all gun owners as mentally unstable, or worse, criminals. Now the press had a real kook with which to beat up law-abiding gun owners.
Day after day, week after week, the media gave up all pretense of objectivity and demanded a total ban on all handguns.
The Dunblane Inquiry, a few months later, sealed the fate of the few sidearms still owned by private citizens.
During the years in which the British government incrementally took away most gun rights, the notion that a citizen had the right to armed self-defense came to be seen as vigilantism.
Authorities refused to grant gun licenses to people who were threatened, claiming that self-defense was no longer considered a reason to own a gun.
Citizens who shot burglars or robbers or rapists were charged while the real criminals were released.
Indeed, after the Martin shooting, a police spokesman was quoted as saying, "We cannot have people take the law into their own hands."
All of Martin's neighbors had been robbed numerous times, and several elderly people were severely injured in beatings by young thugs who had no fear of the consequences.
Martin himself, a collector of antiques, had seen most of his collection trashed or stolen by burglars.
When the Dunblane Inquiry ended, citizens who owned handguns were given three months to turn them over to local authorities.
Being good British subjects, most people obeyed the law.
The few who didn't were visited by police and threatened with ten-year prison sentences if they didn't comply. Police later bragged that they'd taken nearly 200,000 handguns from private citizens.
How did the authorities know who had handguns?
The guns had been registered and licensed.
Kind of like cars. Sound familiar?
"...It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." --Samuel Adams
You had better wake up, because Obama is doing this very same thing, over here, if he can get it done.
The UN Small Arms Treaty that Hilary is negotiating would take away our 2nd Amendment rights.
And there are stupid people in congress and on the street that will go right along with him.
Just remember - the reason the Japanese didn't invade the USA is because they knew that Most of the citizens were armed.
MTW-We left England for a damn good reason. Why is everyone trying so very hard to bring back those days of oppression? Remember learning about the REAL Boston Tea Party?
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

Friday, January 11, 2013

Mexico Is Angry

The shoe is on the other foot and the Mexicans from the State of Sonora , Mexico do not like it. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It is almost funny. The State of Sonora is angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico!
Nine state legislators from the Mexican State of Sonora traveled to Tucson to complain about Arizona's new employer crackdown on illegals from Mexico.
It seems that many Mexican illegals are returning to their hometowns and the officials in the Sonora state government are ticked off. A delegation of nine state legislators from Sonora was in Tucson on Tuesday to state that Arizona's new 'Employer Sanctions Law' will have a devastating effect on the Mexican state. At a news conference, the legislators said that Sonora, - Arizona's southern neighbor - made up of mostly small towns - cannot handle the demand for housing, jobs and schools that it will face as Mexican workers return to their hometowns from the USA without jobs or money.
The Arizona law, which took effect Jan. 1, punishes Arizona employers who knowingly hire individuals without valid legal documents to work in the United States. Penalties include suspension of, or loss of, their business license. The Mexican legislators are angry because their own citizens are returning to their hometowns, placing a burden on THEIR state government.
'How can Arizona pass a law like this?' asked Mexican Rep Leticia Amparano-Gamez, who represents Nogales . 'There is not one person living in Sonora who does not have a friend or relative working in Arizona ,'she said, speaking in Spanish.
'Mexico is not prepared for this, for the tremendous problems it will face as more and more Mexicans working in Arizona and who were sending money to their families return to their hometowns in Sonora without jobs,' she said 'We are one family, socially and economically,' she said of the people of Sonora and Arizona.
Wrong! The United States is a sovereign nation, not a subsidiary of Mexico, and its taxpayers are not responsible for the welfare of Mexico's citizens.
It's time for the Mexican government, and its citizens, to stop feeding parasitically off the United States and to start taking care of its/their own needs.
Too bad that other states within the USA do not pass a law just like that passed by Arizona. Maybe that's the answer, since our own Congress will do nothing!
***New Immigration Laws***
1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.
3. All government business will be conducted in our language.
4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.
5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.
6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. Any burden will be deported.
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
8. If foreigners come here and buy land... options will be restricted.
Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.
9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, NO bad-mouthing our president or his policies.
These will lead to deportation.
10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted and, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged.
All assets will be taken from you.
Too strict?
The above laws are current immigration laws of MEXICO!
MTW-Sounds like a good plan to me. They need to live by their own laws. We need more Governors like Arizona's Jan Brewer.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy