Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Medical Excise Taxes On Retail Purchases Hidden In Obamacare

Medical Excise Tax on Retail Receipts
This is an image of a sales receipt from Cabela’s, a popular sporting goods store.
“The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax that began on January 1st is supposed to be ‘hidden’ from the consumer, but it’s been brought to the public’s attention by hunting and fishing store Cabela’s who have refused to hide it and are showing it as a separate line item tax on their receipts,” the email states.
A pal did some research and found directly from the IRS's website information that PROVES this to be true and an accurate portrayal of something hidden in Obamacare that I was not aware of!
Now being skeptical of this he went to the IRS website and found this!
Q1. What is the medical device excise tax?
A1. Section 4191 of the Internal Revenue Code imposes an excise tax on the sale of certain medical devices by the manufacturer or importer of the device.
Q2. When does the tax go into effect?
A2. The tax applies to sales of taxable medical devices after Dec. 31, 2012.
Q3. How much is the tax?
A3. The tax is 2.3 percent of the sale price of the taxable medical device.
See Chapter 5 of IRS Publication 510, Excise Taxes, and Notice 2012-77 for additional information on the determination of sale price. (Go ahead click on the site below to see IRS gobbledygook.)
IRS.gov Chapter Five http://www.irs.gov/publications/p510/ch05.html
So being more curious he clicked on "Chapter 5 of IRS Publication 510" and WALLAH!
Manufacturers Taxes
The following discussion of manufacturers taxes applies to the tax on:
Sport fishing equipment;
Fishing rods and fishing poles;
Electric outboard motors;
Fishing tackle boxes;
Bows, quivers, broadheads, and points;
Arrow shafts;
Taxable tires;
Gas guzzler automobiles; and Vaccines (only ‘Medical’ products on list).
We have definitely been fooled again, if we believe that the Affordable Care Act is all about health care. It truly does appear to be nothing more than a bill laden with a whole lot of taxes of which we were not to be aware!
MTW-He sure is one sneaky, sorry excuse for a president. Congress knew this, and that is why they have exempted themselves from Obamacare. They are no better, be they Republican or Democrat. Can we get another Party to stand up for the people who they ALL work for? That would be US. The Citizens of The United States of America. It is no wonder why illegal aliens do not pay taxes. To place a medical excise tax on a tackle box??? And adding 2.3% more tax on just about everything outdoor people purchase, among other things, and the increased healthcare cost in Obamacare is a shitty thing to do. Not going to raise taxes are you? Liar.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

Warning About Explosive Plastic Bottles

Kids are putting Drano, tin foil, and a little water in plastic drink bottles and capping it up - leaving it on lawns, in mail boxes, in gardens, on driveways etc. just waiting for you to pick it up intending to put it in the rubbish, but you'll never make it!
If the bottle is picked up, and the bottle is shaken even just a little - in about 30 seconds or less it builds up enough gas which then explodes with enough force to remove some your extremities. The liquid that comes out is boiling hot as well.
Don't pick up any plastic bottles that may be lying in your yards or in the gutter, etc.
Pay attention to this. A plastic bottle with a cap. A little Drano. A little water. A small piece of foil.
Disturb it by moving it; and BOOM!
No fingers left and other serious effects to your face, eyes, etc.
Please ensure that everyone is informed of this.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

Sunday, April 21, 2013

President Obama Talking To Children, As Well As GW Bush In Contrast

A picture is worth a thousand words.
These two photos say it all.
Just look at the paraphernalia this pompous ass carries into a school to speak to small children.

He still needs a podium, teleprompters, lights, black boxes, and the secret service guy in back to be on the look-out for any terrorist type 8-year-olds with Tea Partying parents.

Here's what the last guy needed.
You remember... the dumb one.
MTW-He was not so dumb folks. He is missed. President G.W. Bush was a good man. Obama said he was "Un-Patriotic" to rack up his 8 trillion dollar deficit in his 8 years, yet Obama put us in the toilet in one term, adding 5 trillion in 3 years. At least he cared about the wellbeing of the Citizens of the United States, and their safety. Do you? I consider you the worst president ever. How do you like that Barry? Are you Un-Patriotic? That is right, we cannot prove where you came from, as you paid a million dollars to hide your past. You fooled the masses with your commercials and your teleprompter made you a great orator, I will admit, but not I sir. I am not even sure what your name, location of birth, what nation you are a citizen of, and I even have to question your sexual preference, seeing as you love to push the agenda on legalizing gay marriage. Did you notice that I used no capital letters to refer to your office? It is simply a lack of respect which I cannot help. What are you hiding that cost a million dollars? Oh yes, by the way, where are the children in your photograph mr. president?
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

Pope Francis Eats Chris Matthews For Lunch While Still Cardinal

I'm not Catholic, but I love the new Pope.
Read how he eats Chris Matthews of MSNBC.
Matthews TRYS to corner him with Matthews' leftist ideology and Pope Francis eats him for lunch!
This is very powerful; it should be viewed by all who are concerned about our nation, and its destruction.
This is an interview prior to the recent conclave.
This is a WOW of an interview with the New Pope and MSNBC Chris Mathews!
We understand his message.
He lived under Pres. Juan Peron, Argentina's dictator, and he understands the brainwashing of absolute rule, corruption, and poverty.
An interview prior to the recent conclave between CHRIS MATHEWS and then Cardinal Bergolio...
Regardless of your religious preference, please read this in its entirety. This Pope is a breath of fresh air!
Read to the end, very enlightening, and clear understanding of social justice.
The following is a transcript of an interview between CHRIS MATHEWS, MSNBC atheist American journalist and then Cardinal Bergolio.
It is clear why the interview was never broadcast. ________________________
REPORTER: Welcome Cardinal.
BERGOGLIO: Thank you. Happy to speak with you.
REPORTER: Well, let me get into it directly. Last conclave, you were almost elected Pope. Can this happen again?
BERGOGLIO: What? That I will almost be the Pope, again?
REPORTER: No. Will you be the next Pope?
BERGOGLIO: Friend, I’m only jesting with you. I understand the question. I will not be the next Pope.
REPORTER: Why not?
BERGOGLIO: I chose not to. God has someone else in mind I’m certain.
REPORTER: But you would take the job if it were offered.
BERGOGLIO: I think not.
REPORTER: Why not.
BERGOGLIO: I believe I’m too embroiled in the secular fiasco. It is a spiritual job and I’m a soldier. Look at the nature of power. In Europe first and now in America, elected men have taken it upon themselves to indebt their people to create an atmosphere of dependency. And why? For their own selfish need to increase their own personal power. I’ve been a keen observer of the effect this has on the people, especially the poor. They are very good at creating poverty where there is no reason to explain it. My job is try to alleviate poverty and if that means to oppose the cause then I will not be Pope.
REPORTER: But you are worried you would be a spend thrift pope?
BERGOGLIO: Friend. Where did you go to school?
REPORTER: La Salle College High School in Pennsylvania and.
BERGOGLIO: And after that?
REPORTER: College of the Holy Cross.
BERGOGLIO: They told me you were Catholic. Once elected the Pope is by virtue of the promise of Jesus to Peter, the Pope is preserved from the possibility of error. God would change any spend thrift politician into a responsible Pope. I’m just saying I’m not that man.
REPORTER: So what is your job?
BERGOGLIO: My job is to ask you why are men creating poverty.
REPORTER: What do you mean?
BERGOGLIO: I mean that poverty is part of the natural condition and that is bad enough. But my task is to prevent the aggravation of this condition. The ideology that adds to the poverty must be denounced. I have and this is the reason I will not be Pope. I have a saying for myself, No more poverty than God originally intended in the fall from Grace.
BERGOGLIO: It is a spiritual choice and I’m a political person. I’m sorry. I know you will make more money from this interview if I’m Pope. Or want to be Pope. But I’m sorry. I can’t help you. God has already chosen someone anyway. Right? You learned this in school?
REPORTER: Yes. Well? Where are you on the issues that matter most, issues about contraception, women priests?
BERGOGLIO: This might be a surprise to you, but I am Catholic. We are Catholic. It isn't an issue and for you to pretend that it is being debated goes against God.
REPORTER: If you were Pope then you would not change anything.
BERGOGLIO: Certainly God would direct the new Pope to have more compassion for these newly created poor. And if there is any social justice in the Church, the new Pope would have a stern word for the creators of the new situation.
REPORTER: But you are staunchly orthodox on the issues of abortion, contraception, and same-sex marriage.
BERGOGLIO: I am catholic.
REPORTER: You were punished for opposed same-sex marriage in Argentina. You opposed free contraception and the government exiled you. What do you have to say about that?
BERGOGLIO: I am catholic.
REPORTER: In the secular world, as you say, you follow the conservative line. You oppose, uh, same-sex marriages, very popular with young people. You are conservative on birth control. Won’t that be the doom of the Church, alienating young people who support reality based faith?
BERGOGLIO: Since God created the world, he also created reality. You seem to be arguing that a man can’t be Catholic in reality. Son, you are a Catholic?
REPORTER: Yes, of course. I meant no disrespect.
BERGOGLIO: You don’t have to worry about offending me.
REPORTER: Okay, good. Can a, uh, Pope even be elected if he is pro-choice or pro-love? I mean isn’t the election sort of fixed in favor of anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage?
BERGOGLIO: Yes, the election is fixed by God.
REPORTER: Very witty.
BERGOGLIO: Well, you did ask.
REPORTER: It is being reported in America that you are against marriage equality. Is that why you feel that you can’t be Pope?
BERGOGLIO: God chooses the Pope and God also made men and women different.
REPORTER: But you are ...a conservative and oppose abortion!
BERGOGLIO: Friend the expression on your face gives you away.
REPORTER: I’m sorry, I’m just trying to do my job.
BERGOGLIO: And what job is that?
REPORTER: I’ve been sent to interview eight men in line for the papacy.
BERGOGLIO: And I guarantee you that they all oppose abortion. So?
BERGOGLIO: So, you feel like you need to alienate the eight from the flock?
REPORTER: That isn’t it. How can the church attract young people when it is opposed to abortion and contraception?
BERGOGLIO: Young people are just as attracted to the truth as they are convenience and expediency. So we will call it a draw.
REPORTER: Doesn't the church need to modernize?
BERGOGLIO: Finally, I’ve met someone who will advocate publicly painting over the Sistine Chapel with one of the contemporary street artists. Are you sure you support this and in public?
BERGOGLIO: Forgive me, I was rude.
REPORTER: Won’t the new pope, don't these cardinals realize what they've gotta do if they want to attract young people to the church?
BERGOGLIO: I am a cardinal.
REPORTER: Won’t the new pope, don't you and the other cardinals realize what they must do if they want to attract young people to the church?
BERGOGLIO: I’ve explained the mysteries of the atom to rural young people and also I’ve explained the Grace of God. And you know what? They can understand both perfectly well. Frankly, I have more trouble with adults understanding both.
REPORTER: But they have done focus groups; if you want to spread your message you can't have this position that's anti-gay marriage and anti-contraception.
BERGOGLIO: And you treat the church as a political institution.
REPORTER: So we were not gonna see any kind of change when it comes to things that matter like abortion or gay marriage?
BERGOGLIO: All eight of the men you will be talking to are Catholic.
REPORTER: Okay, I understand. Let’s talk about your controversial stand on poverty.
BERGOGLIO: You want it to be controversial?
REPORTER: But don’t you blame various governments around the world for poverty?
REPORTER: But you refuse to blame corporations for their role.
BERGOGLIO: Okay, they also told me you have a degree in economics. No buyer or seller either, enters into any exchange against his will. It is the nature of the economy. Man is frail, and he makes mistakes and sometimes is greedy and they enter into exchanges that don’t help them. Sometimes they become poor, but they made choices. There is nothing the Church can do except try to educate people to become good consumers. Chiefly, for me, it is an education solution on that side. And the Church has more schools around the globe than any other faith. I say teach the people to save their souls, and also teach them how not to become poor. And now not to allow the government to trick them into poverty.
REPORTER: And you blame government.
BERGOGLIO: No, I blame the self-serving politicians.
REPORTER: So your solution to poverty is to change the nature of politics?
BERGOGLIO: Please feel free to broadcast this; I don’t want to be pope. Friend, you are a socialist and your friends are socialists. And you are the reason for 70 years of misery in Russia and Europe now is seizing in pain from your policies. You believe in the redistribution of wealth and it makes entire populations poor. You want to nationalize everything and bring every human endeavor under your control. You destroy a man’s incentive to take care of his very own family, a crime against nature and nature’s God. You want social control over populations and incrementally you are making everything against the law. Together this ideology creates more poverty today than all the corporations you vilify have in the history of man.
REPORTER: I’ve never heard such from a Cardinal. I’m not sure if you are here to help yourself or disqualify yourself.
BERGOGLIO: Please air this interview. People being dominated by socialists need to know we don’t all have to be poor. Some poverty is part of our being cast out of the Garden of Eden. But look at the empire of dependency created by Hugo Chavez. Promising them, tricking them into worship of government and his very own person. Giving them fish, but not allowing them to fish. If a fisherman does develop a talent today in Latin America; he is castigated and his catch stolen by the socialists. He stops?
REPORTER: You would be the first pope from the Americas.
BERGOGLIO: He stops fishing. I will not be pope, but yes I am from Argentina.
REPORTER: And you didn't want to be pope?
BERGOGLIO: God didn’t want me to be pope.
REPORTER: Perhaps he changed his mind.
BERGOGLIO: Ludicrous.
REPORTER: Okay, I’m sorry. I feel like we are getting off on the wrong path. I’m sorry.
BERGOGLIO: Yes, let’s be productive.
REPORTER: You are a classic conservative Catholic theologian?
BERGOGLIO: Of course there's politics clearly in the Curia throughout the Vatican, but in terms of church teaching, it's not a political institution. It's religious.
REPORTER: I heard people, in fact, media people, "Is this cardinal, is he a liberal? Is he a conservative?"
BERGOGLIO: Tell them please, He's a Catholic. It's no more complicated than that. Catholicism is what it is. You don't have to believe it; you may not. You don't have to follow it; you may not go to Mass. But it's not up to you to modernize us.
REPORTER: You see no room for reform?
BERGOGLIO: It's not up to any religion, although some do this, 'cause they want the money. They want the membership. But the Catholic Church doesn't do it. It's not up to them to bend and shape and mold itself to accommodate the shrinking depravity of a worldwide culture. It's to provide the exact opposite. It's to provide a beacon out of depravity, socialism and sin, among other things.
REPORTER: If pope you would be bad news for the left.
BERGOGLIO: I won’t be pope. But I am opposed to abortion. I’m opposed to euthanasia. The pro-choice movement is a culture of death. I oppose the demonic same-sex marriage. I oppose gay adoption on the grounds that it is discriminatory to the child. I was exiled by the Cristina Kirchner government, but I hold no grudge. How is this bad news?
REPORTER: John Paul II rescued you?
BERGOGLIO: He made me the archbishop of Buenos Aires. Yes.
REPORTER: And so you feel like you owe the Right some sort of repayment?
BERGOGLIO: There are many values and many types of people. Perhaps it is my interest in mathematics, but I’m the type of human who is interested most in the truth. God gave me a healthy love for the truth. Loyalty is only a virtue if in support of the truth or another important value.
REPORTER: Cristina Kirchner said you held a grudge.
BERGOGLIO: Funny I’ve never spoken her name. Not once. And it is a battle of ideas not a battle of two or more people. I’m only concerned with ideas.
REPORTER: She said you refused to speak up for civil rights violations.
BERGOGLIO: As a spiritual leader, I opposed cultural modernization, and so I became a political enemy. I understand politics as well as I do mathematics.
REPORTER: And the Jesuits, they were eager to cast you out, which they did.
BERGOGLIO: So you are implying that I’m a vengeful priest?
REPORTER: Do you feel that you need to erase the progress recently made in Latin America?
BERGOGLIO: I say poverty. You say progress.
REPORTER: Let’s talk about poverty.
BERGOGLIO: Sure, there is voluntary poverty that is virtuous. Many understood the nobility of making themselves independent of the fleeting things of earth. They are distractions from our pursuit of the truth. I have no problem with this. I only oppose involuntary poverty.
REPORTER: That is what I thought you would say.
REPORTER: Because you are a capitalist right?
BERGOGLIO: Yes, I think capital is needed to build a factory, a parochial school, or a church or hospital, all. Do you oppose factories or churches or hospitals?
REPORTER: Of course not but don’t you think the capital is sucked out of peoples’ hands by greedy business types to pay for these factories?
BERGOGLIO: No, I think people agree, through their economic choices, that some of their money goes to build these. Capital building should be voluntary. Only when the politician confiscates their wealth, to build government factories, government schools, government hospitals; only then do the people not agree. Money given voluntarily is legitimate to build with. Money coerced from the people is not legitimate to build with, because it isn’t given voluntarily.
REPORTER: You are opposed to all government?
BERGOGLIO: No of course not. But it isn’t the seat of wisdom in any society I’ve seen in my life. The best government was created by the Americans, in which they admitted that people are endowed by their creator and most of the administration of society was left to the relationship between God and man. However, slowly that has been eroded by the atheists on the left, who would replace man’s relationship with God with a new relationship with an opportunist like Hugo Chavez.
REPORTER: I just found it fascinating that you were willing to stand up to an entire government in Argentina. You were cast aside. Didn’t you care about your career?
BERGOGLIO: Yes, there are people who cave to worldly authority. Even priests.
REPORTER: But you didn’t?
BERGOGLIO: No, I changed nothing. How did I have the power to change anything in church teaching? My opinion, the democrats, seeking votes, only wanted me to change my opinion and legitimize their decadence. I did not, as evidenced by the fact that I was teaching high school math in small isolated town.
REPORTER: I’m sorry that happened to you.
BERGOGLIO: Why don’t you feel for others oppressed for their interest in freedom?
REPORTER: Freedom isn’t punished anywhere, is it?
BERGOGLIO: Certainly it is.
REPORTER: In Latin America?
BERGOGLIO: I’m afraid Latin America is lost. The people of the entire area are controlled by a block of militant socialist regimes in the region, most prominently Venezuela , Ecuador , Bolivia and Nicaragua . They have a gun pointed at their head. So their heart is now captured. Who will save them at this point?
REPORTER: So the game is over. Checkmate?
BERGOGLIO: Friend, I’ve been studying America this month, before the Pope chose to resign. You must not have fear at speaking the truth. It is for the salvation of souls and the recovery of Thomas Jefferson’s people. America must not fall to the new painted communism. Even the low information voters don’t want America to be sold into slavery. I pray they cast out the money changers in their government! What manner of government is there that condones sin? Abomination upon abomination--giving monies for the murder of children, giving monies for the murder of the elderly! You are an American. Your government, My child, has been infiltrated by men of sin.
REPORTER: These are pretty radical ideas.
BERGOGLIO: No. Perhaps reactionary. Radical means something different. But a very long time ago, Khrushchev warned, that we cannot expect Americans to fly from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small injections of socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have Communism. This is what is happening now in an ancient bastion of freedom. How can America save Latin America when they are slaves to the government themselves?
REPORTER: I’m having a hard time digesting most of this.
BERGOGLIO: The truth can be painful. You look angry; do you want to stop or ask a question? But you have created a new type of state, the so-called welfare state. This has happened in order to respond to the needs of the politically created poor. However, intervening directly is depriving the original society of its responsibility. Families escape responsibility in the welfare state. And churches even escape responsibility. People stop giving to charity and see every poor person as the government’s problem. I am a Catholic priest and there are no poor for me to take care of, they are made permanently poor and the property of the politicians.
REPORTER: I’m not sure this interview is going to work.
BERGOGLIO: You asked and now you will listen, my son. The social assistance state leads to a loss of human energies and an inordinate increase of public agencies, which are dominated more by bureaucratic thinking than by real concern for helping people. Needs are best understood and satisfied by people who are closest to them who act as neighbors and parish members to those in need. It should be added that certain kinds of demands often call for a response which is not simply material but which is capable of perceiving the deeper human need. This is not to mention the welfare states excesses and abuses.
REPORTER: I think we are done.
BERGOGLIO: Wait. If I speak on the ordination of women, on celibacy, on divorce, will you air this interview and my message?
REPORTER: No, we are done.
BERGOGLIO: Partially what irritates me to the core is the media’s inability to look at anything without looking into the cause of the various problems. People are made poor so they will vote for the very candidates that made them poor.
REPORTER: Have a nice day and thanks for your time.
MTW-I cannot believe how disrespectful Chris Matthews was in this interview. He got his-self schooled about the Democrat leaders of this Country whom he supports with his own atheism. I may not be a Catholic, but I am a Christian who happens to agree with every single word this venerable man spoke. Obviously, Matthews took his ball and went home so nobody else could play at trying to tell the truth. You reap what you sow Chris. (I believe the remarks said by the "Reporter" are supposed to say "Matthews")
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Do You Know Your State's Preamble?

Isn’t this interesting?  Guess the Supreme Court Justices have never read these.
Do you know your State's Preamble?
Be sure to read the message in red at the very bottom! 
Alabama 1901, Preamble

We the people of the State of Alabama , invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution.. 

Alaska 1956, Preamble
 We, the people of Alaska, grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land. 
Arizona 1911, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of  Arizona, grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution... 
Arkansas 1874, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of  Arkansas , grateful to Almighty God for the privilege of choosing our own form of government... 
California 1879, Preamble
 We, the People of the State of  California , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom... 
Colorado 1876, Preamble
 We, the people of  Colorado , with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of Universe... 
Connecticut 1818, Preamble.
 The People of Connecticut, acknowledging with gratitude the good Providence of God in permitting them to enjoy. 
Delaware 1897, Preamble
 Through Divine Goodness all men have, by nature, the rights of worshipping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences. 
Florida 1885, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of  Florida , grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, establish this Constitution... 
Georgia 1777, Preamble
 We, the people of  Georgia , relying upon protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution... 
Hawaii 1959, Preamble
 We , the people of  Hawaii , Grateful for Divine Guidance .. Establish this Constitution. 
Idaho 1889, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of  Idaho , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings. 
Illinois 1870, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the civil , political and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors. 
Indiana 1851, Preamble
 We, the People of the State of  Indiana , grateful to Almighty God for the free exercise of the right to choose our form of government. 
Iowa 1857, Preamble
 We, the People of the St ate of  Iowa , grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of these blessings, establish this Constitution. 
Kansas 1859, Preamble
 We, the people of  Kansas , grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges establish this Constitution. 
Kentucky 1891, Preamble
 We, the people of the Commonwealth are grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties.. 
Louisiana 1921, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of  Louisiana , grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy. 
Maine 1820, Preamble
 We the People of Maine acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity .. And imploring His aid and direction. 
Maryland 1776, Preamble
 We, the people of the state of  Maryland , grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty... 
Massachusetts 1780, Preamble
 We...the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging with grateful hearts, the goodness of the Great Legislator of the Universe In the course of His Providence, an opportunity and devoutly imploring His direction  
Michigan 1908, Preamble
.   We, the people of the State of  Michigan , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, establish this Constitution. 
Minnesota, 1857, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of Minnesota, grateful to God for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings: 
Mississippi 1890, Preamble
 We, the people of Mississippi in convention assembled, grateful to Almighty God, and invoking His blessing on our work. 
Missouri 1845, Preamble
 We, the people of  Missouri , with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for His goodness . Establish this Constitution... 
Montana 1889, Preamble.
 We, the people of  Montana , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty establish this Constitution .
Nebraska 1875, Preamble
 We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom Establish this Constitution. 
Nevada 1864, Preamble
 We the people of the State of  Nevada , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, establish this Constitution... 
New Hampshire 1792,  Part  I. Art. I. Sec. V
 Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. 
New Jersey 1844, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of New Jersey, grateful to Almighty God for civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors. 
New Mexico 1911, Preamble
 We, the People of New Mexico, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty.. 
New York 1846, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of  New York , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings. 
North Carolina 1868, Preamble We the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for our civil, political, and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those... 
North Dakota 1889, Preamble
 We , the people of  North Dakota , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, do ordain... 
Ohio 1852, Preamble
 We the people of the state of  Ohio , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and to promote our common. 
Oklahoma 1907, Preamble
 Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessings of liberty, establish this 
Oregon 1857, Bill of Rights, Article I Section 2.
 All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their consciences 
Pennsylvania 1776, Preamble
 We, the people of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance.... 
Rhode Island 1842, Preamble.
 We the People of the State of Rhode Island grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing... 
South Carolina 1778, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of South Carolina grateful to God for our liberties, do ordain and establish this Constitution. 
South Dakota 1889, Preamble
 We, the people of  South Dakota , grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberties . 
Tennessee 1796, Art. XI..III.
 That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their conscience...
Texas 1845, Preamble
 We the People of the  Republic of  Texas , acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God. 
Utah 1896, Preamble
 Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we establish this Constitution. 
Vermont 1777, Preamble
 Whereas all government ought to enable the individuals who compose it to enjoy their natural rights, and other blessings which the Author of Existence has bestowed on man .... 
Virginia 1776, Bill of Rights, XVI
 Religion, or the Duty which we owe our Creator can be directed only by Reason and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian Forbearance, Love and Charity towards each other 
Washington 1889, Preamble
 We the People of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution 
West Virginia 1872, Preamble
 Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God ... 
Wisconsin 1848, Preamble
 We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, domestic tranquility.... 
Wyoming 1890, Preamble
 We, the people of the State of  Wyoming , grateful to God for our civil, political, and religious liberties, establish this Constitution...
After reviewing acknowledgments of God from all 50 state
 constitutions, one is faced with the prospect that maybe, the ACLU and the out-of-control federal courts arewrong!   If you found this to be 'Food for thought' share this with as many as you think will be enlightened as I hope you were.
 Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Obama Re-elected by Illiterate Society Says Russian Newspaper

Posted on November 27, 2012 by Dave Jolly filed under 2012 Election, Education, socialism, World News
While a small majority of the American people continue to celebrate the re-election of the worst and most corrupt president in US history, the rest of the world is mocking our stupidity. Looking from the outside, they see how Obama has constantly lied to the American people. They also see him for what he really is, a communist. And they see him repeating the same mistakes that other communist leaders made in the past. Yet, the 62 million Americans that voted for Obama are blind to what is happening to them.
Pravda is the most popular Russian newspaper in their country. In a recent article, it stated:
“Putin in 2009 outlined his strategy for economic success. Alas, poor Obama did the opposite but nevertheless was re-elected. Bye, bye Miss American Pie.
The Communists have won in America with Obama but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote. Vladimir Putin was re-elected as President keeping the NWO order out of Russia while America continues to repeat the Soviet mistake.”
“After Obama was elected in his first term as president the then Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir Putin gave a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January of 2009. Ignored by the West as usual, Putin gave insightful and helpful advice to help the world economy and saying the world should avoid the Soviet mistake.”
“Recently, Obama has been re-elected for a 2nd term by an illiterate society and he is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them. He gives speeches of peace and love in the world while he promotes wars as he did in Egypt, Libya and Syria.
He plans his next war is with Iran as he fires or demotes his generals who get in the way.”
“O’bomber even keeps the war going along the Mexican border with projects like ‘fast and furious’ and there is still no sign of ending it. He is a Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so. How shrewd he is in America.
His cult of personality mesmerizes those who cannot go beyond their ignorance. They will continue to follow him like those fools who still praise Lenin and Stalin in Russia. Obama’s fools and Stalin’s fools share the same drink of illusion.”
“President Vladimir Putin could never have imagined anyone so ignorant or so willing to destroy their people like Obama much less seeing millions vote for someone like Obama. They read history in America don’t they? Alas, the schools in the U.S. were conquered by the Communists long ago and history was revised thus paving the way for their Communist presidents. Obama has bailed out those businesses that voted for him and increased the debt to over 16 trillion with an ever increasing unemployment rate especially among blacks and other minorities. All the while promoting his agenda.”
“Russia lost its’ civil war with the Reds and millions suffered torture and death for almost 75 years under the tyranny of the United Soviet Socialist Republic. Russians survived with a new and stronger faith in God and ever growing Christian Church. The question is how long will the once “Land of the Free” remain the United Socialist States of America? Their suffering has only begun. Bye bye Miss American Pie!”
I’m not sure I could put it any more clear and succinct as did this Russian columnist. Barack Hussein Obama is a communist and is turning America into a communist or socialist nation. He is following the teachings of people like Stalin and Lenin, whose ideas destroyed their nation and led to its eventual downfall. Instead of learning from the past, Obama seems destined to repeat it.
If you want to see what America will be like in the near future, just look at the former Soviet Union before Glasnost and the influence of western culture. Look at the bleak images of people standing in line, hoping to be able to get a loaf of bread and some milk. Look at the factories and sweat shops and at the same time notice how few small stores there are. Look at their entertainment which consisted of a few state run television and radio stations. Look at the loss of all personal freedoms and dignity. Look at a people that are depressed because they are oppressed and you will be seeing us in the not too distant future.
Yeah, I have to agree. Obama was re-elected by a truly illiterate society.
MTW-The only thing I have to add is this: First, I believe it was more ignorance than illiteracy. Second, keep your hands off of my Social Security money Mr. Obama. It is NOT an ENTITLEMENT, it is the NATION'S PENSION PLAN, designed by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Presidents have raided it since LBJ started paying for Vietnam with it, and I am sure that Nixon followed, and then Ford, then Carter, counting on those who pay in and die before they get to the age of payment. That fact alone should have SS in the black. However, Reagan could not make you Dems behave, could he? It is NOT YOUR MONEY US GOVERNMENT. Mr. Obama has no right to figure a way to cut our pay with his new formula. He gave a total of 1 (one) COLA- Cost of Living Adjustment in his first term, 2012. That is it, and his singular raise was less than one half of what GW Bush gave in 3 (three) of the years of his second term. I received $40 dollars per month under Bush, 3 years in a row. I received less than $20 dollars per month after no increases for three years under Obama. If your employer tried to give you a .50 cent per day raise, could you live on that? He also threatened all of us Social Security fixed income people 2 times to do what he has done. FU Barry. His new budget is a slap in the face to those living in poverty, for he wants you there. I do believe the election was rigged from the jump. We can see him taking care of the poor very well, right? Bullshit. Love, a very offended Citizen of the soon to no longer being A Free Country, Where We Have Rights! I AM A MODERATE, AND YOU ARE A LIAR, AND AN ELITIST, ATTEMPTING TO DIVIDE US MR. OBAMA. There are still honest, God fearing people in this Nation, and you sir, are just pure evil to me. I do not like liars. Cut your own pay, along with your staff, whom were just given raises. My belt goes NO TIGHTER.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy