I don't care what party these crooks are from this should be conflict of interest and not allowed. This happens too often in both parties.
Post Office Buildings for Sale
All In The Family
The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, many of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country.
The sale of these properties will fetch billions of dollars and a handsome 6% commission to the company handling the sales. That company belongs to a man named Richard Blum. Who is Richard Blum you ask?
Why the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein, that's who. What a bunch of crooks we have running this country!
Senator Feinstein and her husband, Richard Blum, stand to make a fortune. His firm, C.R. I., is the sole real estate company offering these properties for sale. Of course, C.R.I. will be making a 6% commission on the sale of each and every one of these postal properties.
All of these properties that are being sold are all fully paid for. They were purchased with U.S. tax payer’s dollars, and they are allowed free and clear by the U.S.P.S. The only cost to keep them is the cost to actually keep the doors open and the heat and lights on. The United States Postal Service doesn't even have to pay property taxes on these subject properties. Would you sell your house just because you couldn't afford to pay the electric bill?
Well, the Post Office is.
How does a powerful U.S. Senator from San Francisco manage to get away with such a sweet deal?
A powerful United States Senator's husband is standing by, all ready to make millions from a U.S. taxpayer funded enterprise.
No one in the mainstream media is even raising an eyebrow over his 6% commission on the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars, worth of quasi-public assets.
Pass this info on before it's pulled from the internet.
MTW-I am not surprised. This woman thinks that a 10 round magazine is at all possible in this world, and that Glock is going to make 10 round magazines for the MILLIONS of their weapons; hand guns, used by most Law Enforcement, and Government Agencies; they are also popular with self-defense minded (smart) people. A Glock 19, 9mm has a 15 round magazine. They do not make a ten round magazine for any model other than the Gen 4, at least the G19. 5 bullets? I will quote Hilary Clinton, "At this point what's the difference?". Washington's Democrats seem to be morons and thieves. By the way Dianne, both the 10 round magazine for the Generation 4 and the 15 round magazine for the Gen 3 are BOTH ON BACKORDER, and are NOT AVAILABLE anywhere that I could find in my research. I could be wrong. I only looked on every website that sells them. Have you tried that? You do not care though, do you. You and your USPS building grabbing husband are "haves", while most of us are "have-nots". Chicago Politics, by Barack Obama.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy, a LOT Patriotic.
Millionaires Brain Academy
Post Office Buildings for Sale
All In The Family
The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, many of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country.
The sale of these properties will fetch billions of dollars and a handsome 6% commission to the company handling the sales. That company belongs to a man named Richard Blum. Who is Richard Blum you ask?
Why the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein, that's who. What a bunch of crooks we have running this country!
Senator Feinstein and her husband, Richard Blum, stand to make a fortune. His firm, C.R. I., is the sole real estate company offering these properties for sale. Of course, C.R.I. will be making a 6% commission on the sale of each and every one of these postal properties.
All of these properties that are being sold are all fully paid for. They were purchased with U.S. tax payer’s dollars, and they are allowed free and clear by the U.S.P.S. The only cost to keep them is the cost to actually keep the doors open and the heat and lights on. The United States Postal Service doesn't even have to pay property taxes on these subject properties. Would you sell your house just because you couldn't afford to pay the electric bill?
Well, the Post Office is.
How does a powerful U.S. Senator from San Francisco manage to get away with such a sweet deal?
A powerful United States Senator's husband is standing by, all ready to make millions from a U.S. taxpayer funded enterprise.
No one in the mainstream media is even raising an eyebrow over his 6% commission on the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars, worth of quasi-public assets.
Pass this info on before it's pulled from the internet.
MTW-I am not surprised. This woman thinks that a 10 round magazine is at all possible in this world, and that Glock is going to make 10 round magazines for the MILLIONS of their weapons; hand guns, used by most Law Enforcement, and Government Agencies; they are also popular with self-defense minded (smart) people. A Glock 19, 9mm has a 15 round magazine. They do not make a ten round magazine for any model other than the Gen 4, at least the G19. 5 bullets? I will quote Hilary Clinton, "At this point what's the difference?". Washington's Democrats seem to be morons and thieves. By the way Dianne, both the 10 round magazine for the Generation 4 and the 15 round magazine for the Gen 3 are BOTH ON BACKORDER, and are NOT AVAILABLE anywhere that I could find in my research. I could be wrong. I only looked on every website that sells them. Have you tried that? You do not care though, do you. You and your USPS building grabbing husband are "haves", while most of us are "have-nots". Chicago Politics, by Barack Obama.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy, a LOT Patriotic.
Millionaires Brain Academy