Mona Charen's column is released once a week.
By Mona Charen-
April 26, 2013
It was cool and rainy Sunday morning when the bomb ripped through the building. At 10:22, a group of children was just heading into the basement to hear a sermon at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala. According to a Washington Post account at the time: Dozens of survivors, their faces dripping blood from the glass that flew out of the church's stained glass windows, staggered around the building in a cloud of white dust raised by the explosion.
Four girls were killed. The head of one little girl was found far from her body. Twenty-two others were injured. Wandering through his devastated church, the Rev. John H. Cross found a megaphone and asked the enraged and stunned crowd to disperse. "The Lord is our shepherd," he sobbed, "we shall not want."
This week, Congress marked the 50th anniversary of that terror attack by posthumously awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Addie Mae Collins and Cynthia Wesley.
We Americans are not confused about the morality of what happened in Birmingham that September morning in 1963, nor during the Jim Crow era in America generally. We do not hesitate to condemn utterly the behavior and the beliefs of the Ku Klux Klan (the perpetrators of this bombing and others) and their white supremacist fellow travelers. We do not worry that reviling white supremacists and their grotesque deeds will somehow taint all white people.
But when it comes to other groups and other motives for the same kind of terrorism — we lose our moral focus. Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and Kathy Boudin have become honored members of the faculties at leading universities. Ayers is even the friend of the president of the United States. Regarding his own record of setting bombs that kill and dismember innocent people, Ayers told The New York Times on the ironic date of Sept. 11, 2001 that "I feel we didn't do enough ... (there's) a certain eloquence to bombs, a poetry and a pattern from a safe distance." So says a retired "distinguished professor" at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Today, American liberals are obsessed not with terrorism but with the color and ethnicity of terrorists. They can readily enough attribute violent tendencies to groups they dislike — the tea party, for example, which hasn't committed so much as a littering offense. But when it comes to Islamic terrorism, their voices falter.
Attorney General Eric Holder, asked whether three attacks on the United States (the underwear bomber, the Times Square bomber and Maj. Nidal Hassan) could be attributed to "Islamic" radicalism, refused to say so. Asked repeatedly whether religious motives played a role, Holder would say only, "there are a variety of reasons why people have taken these actions." Janet Napolitano has been quick to dismiss terror attempts as "one offs." Would Holder and Napolitano say the same about white supremacists? Each one had his own motivations and we can't surmise what those factors were?
There is a tendency among many on the left to temper their disgust and indignation at political violence (i.e. terror) if the terrorist is from the "correct" group. "Muslim ... means not being white" Peter Beinert writes in the Daily Beast.
Beinert and other liberals imagine that the U.S. is a cauldron of teeming racism with the lid barely kept down. At the first acknowledgment that Islamists (some, but by no means, all of whom are dark skinned) present a continuing threat, the lid will fly off and white American vigilantes, given permission, will start shooting black and brown people on the streets, burning their shops, and bombing mosques.
The hatred that Islamism preaches lauds and inspires is a nuisance, liberals may concede. But the hatred in the heart of "white America" is the greater danger.
To find out more about Mona Charen and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at
MTW-This article is very offensive to us all, no matter what color your skin is. It is also very wrong. We are all the same Race, the HUMAN Race, and yet we have differences; but any difference between any of us, is ridiculous to be used in an article of such ignorance to further someone’s agenda. For one, the events discussed in the beginning happened 50 YEARS AGO. Before Civil Rights. A lot of us were not alive then. How are we (white folks) to blame for the wrong actions taken by our dead elders? What about the Black Panthers openly placing bounties on WHITE people and intimidating voters at polling places. Obama is a White-Black man, or a White man wrapped in the color you wanted in this case, simply to call us "racist" if we disagree with the president; it does not seem to matter if we voted for the man or hold the same socialist ideology. The Dems sure did not hesitate to demonize GW Bush, but it is alright because he is white!? I am white, and there is no hatred in my heart for another Human Being for any reason. Something that really bothers me is when the term “African American” is used. If you are an American Citizen that is what you call yourself. An American. This- the United States used to be a melting pot. Now, everybody wants to be labeled as this or that rather than simply be an American. I do not wish to even go into Islam, after Boston’s tragic bombing; however, after Obama has given billions in aid to Muslim countries, as the Citizens of the U.S. are forced into poverty by the same man, I will. You need to be removed from office sir. Why did you have Eric Holder put an end to the interrogation of the younger bomber Tsarnaev? Did you have something you needed to hide, just as in the Fort Hood TERROR attack by Major Nidal Hassan which YOU Mr. President deemed "workplace violence? Muslims hate us and are taught to KILL US for NO REASON. I find that this should be an exception to Freedom of Religion in our Constitution, if not an Amendment. There is nothing anywhere close to freedom in sharia law. The Muslims in America right now are being stereotyped even worse to their own detriment. That is not my intention. This is simply my honest opinion. Tell Mr. Obama our history; I do not think he knows it. Yet another liberal propaganda article on Yahoo, distorting the facts. Jim Crow Laws-
Enacted by Democrats; Ku Klux Klan- started by Democrats who lost the Civil War which they started, as they were against the abolishment of slavery. Democrats were against de-segregation and shortly thereafter Civil Rights. Can we get some accurate information from the liberals? What about the so-called "Affordable Care Act" or Obamacare? It is not affordable or rolling out very well, nor has he kept any of his promises about keeping your plan, your doctor or the dramatic savings of $2500 per family per year. More folks have lost their coverage than have signed up for that atrocious law- mainly due to the awesome $600 million dollar website that does not work. The enrollees are a fraction of those who lost coverage- over 5 million so far. This is redistribution of wealth- or SOCIALISM. Not Capitalism. Where did the United States of America go? Free speech zones? Unconstitutional. Gun-free zones? Unconstitutional. Changing parts of a law as he pleases (Obama-ACA)- Unconstitutional and exceeding his authority. We sure got the "Change" he promised. $17 trillion for the worse. We are becoming the new USSR- United States Socialism Redux.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
The Government?
I Just Realized Something:
My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day.
He has his food prepared for him.
His meals are provided at no cost to him.
He visits the doctor once a year for his checkup and again during the year, if any medical needs arise.
For this he pays nothing and nothing is required of him.
He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep.
If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up.
He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep.
He receives these accommodations absolutely free.
He is living like a king and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever.
All of his costs are picked up by others who earn a living.
I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks ~
Maybe he has a secret that keeps him from worrying about the truth. I bet Obamacare covers it.
My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day.
He has his food prepared for him.
His meals are provided at no cost to him.
He visits the doctor once a year for his checkup and again during the year, if any medical needs arise.
For this he pays nothing and nothing is required of him.
He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep.
If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up.
He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep.
He receives these accommodations absolutely free.
He is living like a king and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever.
All of his costs are picked up by others who earn a living.
I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks ~
MTW-I just thought that after all of these governmental nightmares- you know, the phony scandals, along with the AWESOME roll-out of government take over of your health care by causing many millions of folks to lose their health insurance and pay more for the forced health insurance (which is not the same as health care) by Obama and Sebelius because they know what is better for you than you do, we may need some levity. That was a mouthful. Also, if the shoe fits.... But what does this make Obama? Lost? Did anyone believe his non-apology? He apologized to other countries for the US a lot better and more often than he takes responsibility for his own actions with a genuine apology to his own Country for INTENTIONALLY lying. If he did not know, he is lost. The rest of the White House knew in July 2010, when Kathleen Sebelius wrote the "grandfather" statutes she KNEW as a former insurance worker would cause this. He heard about fast and furious, IRS and the Obamacare website problems on the news? Who tells this man what IS GOING ON? Anybody? Or are you playing dumb now Mr. President? "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Period."- Barack Obama around 30 times since 2009. The "if" came last week. Now he said IF your policy doesn't change after Obamacare passed. This is much worse than a website malfunction. Premiums and co-pays change every year. We finally see some of Obama's "Change". The cartoon below is from overseas. Do any of you wonder what they think of us now?
MTW-I just thought that after all of these governmental nightmares- you know, the phony scandals, along with the AWESOME roll-out of government take over of your health care by causing many millions of folks to lose their health insurance and pay more for the forced health insurance (which is not the same as health care) by Obama and Sebelius because they know what is better for you than you do, we may need some levity. That was a mouthful. Also, if the shoe fits.... But what does this make Obama? Lost? Did anyone believe his non-apology? He apologized to other countries for the US a lot better and more often than he takes responsibility for his own actions with a genuine apology to his own Country for INTENTIONALLY lying. If he did not know, he is lost. The rest of the White House knew in July 2010, when Kathleen Sebelius wrote the "grandfather" statutes she KNEW as a former insurance worker would cause this. He heard about fast and furious, IRS and the Obamacare website problems on the news? Who tells this man what IS GOING ON? Anybody? Or are you playing dumb now Mr. President? "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Period."- Barack Obama around 30 times since 2009. The "if" came last week. Now he said IF your policy doesn't change after Obamacare passed. This is much worse than a website malfunction. Premiums and co-pays change every year. We finally see some of Obama's "Change". The cartoon below is from overseas. Do any of you wonder what they think of us now?
Maybe he has a secret that keeps him from worrying about the truth. I bet Obamacare covers it.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy
Friday, November 8, 2013
To Earn Respect, You Have To GIVE Respect
President Bush knows how to treat our soldiers, with respect
and gratitude. He was not the perfect president, but none can be perfect.
Surely, I didn't agree with everything he did, but he was a class act when it came to our military & their families.
God bless him, and God bless America.
1. Look them in the eye and give them a firm handshake.
4. Always treat their families with great respect.
They have been through more than you could imagine.
5. Laugh with them!
Laughter is a medicine that works 102% of the time.
President Bush golfs with wounded veterans at the Warrior Open tournament.
13. Make sure you are respectful.
14. Cook them a big dinner if you can. Lots of meat.
MTW-Courtesy of Gaston College. He is doing a great job at destroying our economy, Country and our Faith that God is still on our side. Now any critics of Obama are called "racists" as far as Oprah (billions made from the folks she calls racist), Harry Belafonte, Chris Noth and MANY more liberals are concerned. We are not even allowed to wear goofy Obama Halloween masks for that is "racist" as well. Forget the fact that every president since Nixon has been made into a mask and mocked- specially GW Bush, as all of our problems are his fault. Obama is half white and half black. We have always had the RIGHT to disagree with our President. Just one more Right he is taking from us. He knows what is best for you, Obama the "All knowing Guru". Sorry, but I believe that you have him confused with GOD. The man has absolutely NO respect for us, the US Citizens or OUR MILITARY; he changes parts of the ACA law when it suits him. That is completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Get the Democrats OUT of the Senate, take the power from Harry Reid, so that we may finally impeach this emperor. Sen. Reid does Obama's dirty work in the Senate. Wake up Nevada!
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy
The Tao of Badass
Surely, I didn't agree with everything he did, but he was a class act when it came to our military & their families.
God bless him, and God bless America.
1. Look them in the eye and give them a firm handshake.
…then a chest bump will do.
Just make sure you do duck face afterward so they can laugh
at you.
3. Admire their medals. They were hard-earned.
4. Always treat their families with great respect.
They have been through more than you could imagine.
5. Laugh with them!
Laughter is a medicine that works 102% of the time.
6. Sometimes it’s important that you treat soldier
the way you would treat anyone else.
7. If you know a soldier, call them on the 4th of July
the way you would treat anyone else.
7. If you know a soldier, call them on the 4th of July
It will make their day!
10. Listen.
Listening is often the best gift you can give someone.
Listening is often the best gift you can give someone.
11. Give them a hug
Soldiers love getting hugged because most of them are big softies deep down.
12. Do a sport with them.
Soldiers love being active.
Soldiers love getting hugged because most of them are big softies deep down.
12. Do a sport with them.
Soldiers love being active.
President Bush golfs with wounded veterans at the Warrior Open tournament.
13. Make sure you are respectful.
14. Cook them a big dinner if you can. Lots of meat.
We promise you they will appreciate it.
God Bless America!
Very heartwarming…
Somehow, I can't imagine our current president doing anything like this!
Somehow, I can't imagine our current president doing anything like this!
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy
The Tao of Badass
Friday, November 1, 2013
The Tiny Cabin
A social worker from a big city in Massachusetts recently
transferred to the mountains of West Virginia and was on the first tour of her
new territory when she came upon the tiniest cabin she had ever seen in her
life. Intrigued, she went up and knocked on the door.
"Anybody home?" she asked.
"Yep." came a kid's voice through the door.
"Is your father there?" asked the social worker.
"Pa? ---Nope, he left afore Ma came in," said the kid.
"Well, is your mother there?" persisted the social worker.
"Ma? --Nope, she left just afore I got here." said the kid.
"But," protested the social worker thinking that surely she will need to intervene in this situation "are you never together as a family?"
"Sure, but not here," said the kid through the door. "This is the outhouse!"
Government workers are so very smart. Aren't you overjoyed that they'll soon be handling all our financial, educational, and medical dilemmas?
MTW-Funny: yet sad but true. Just look at HHS and the IRS. Nothing is phony about this administration's inept and corrupt leadership, as mistakes earn promotions, while the truthful operator is fired. Obama lies as easily as he breaths. Wake up and pay attention to all of his admirers. Can we not just save America and leave any differences in ideology out of it? Pakistan does not need $1.6 billion from us, and Egypt has several F-16s that are ours. Look out for one another hear, rather than divide the Nation. No more "Political Correctness" or bending over backwards trying not to offend anyone. WHY OH WHY DID YOU SELL OUT ISRAEL MR. PRESIDENT? (Attack on SAMs in Syria on 10-31-13) Not a smart move. Remember Mr. Netanyahu, OUR Government is not really representing US at the moment. I am personally sorry. Some of us still believe that this is STILL a Judeo-Christian Country.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy
"Anybody home?" she asked.
"Yep." came a kid's voice through the door.
"Is your father there?" asked the social worker.
"Pa? ---Nope, he left afore Ma came in," said the kid.
"Well, is your mother there?" persisted the social worker.
"Ma? --Nope, she left just afore I got here." said the kid.
"But," protested the social worker thinking that surely she will need to intervene in this situation "are you never together as a family?"
"Sure, but not here," said the kid through the door. "This is the outhouse!"
Government workers are so very smart. Aren't you overjoyed that they'll soon be handling all our financial, educational, and medical dilemmas?
MTW-Funny: yet sad but true. Just look at HHS and the IRS. Nothing is phony about this administration's inept and corrupt leadership, as mistakes earn promotions, while the truthful operator is fired. Obama lies as easily as he breaths. Wake up and pay attention to all of his admirers. Can we not just save America and leave any differences in ideology out of it? Pakistan does not need $1.6 billion from us, and Egypt has several F-16s that are ours. Look out for one another hear, rather than divide the Nation. No more "Political Correctness" or bending over backwards trying not to offend anyone. WHY OH WHY DID YOU SELL OUT ISRAEL MR. PRESIDENT? (Attack on SAMs in Syria on 10-31-13) Not a smart move. Remember Mr. Netanyahu, OUR Government is not really representing US at the moment. I am personally sorry. Some of us still believe that this is STILL a Judeo-Christian Country.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy
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