Friday, April 20, 2012

Obama On Defensive Over His Mega-Miles of Travel

Obama fires back at criticisms of his travel By Olivier Knox-White House Correspondent

(Reuters/Jason Reed)
The White House on Thursday dismissed as "kinda ridiculous" complaints that President Barack Obama has been billing taxpayers for criss-crossing the country, giving speeches in states that could be critical to his reelection campaign. Obama himself recently weighed in on the issue. The controversy centers on the arcane process by which taxpayers pick up the tab for "official" trips while his reelection campaign or the Democratic National Committee pays for "political" travel. When a presidential foray includes both kinds of events, the cost is divided according to a formula that presidents have declined to make public.
Asked whether taxpayers were improperly footing the bill, Obama press secretary Jay Carney replied: "They're not." "We follow all the rules and regulations to ensure that the DNC or other relevant political committee pays what is required" for political travel, Carney said. "We go absolutely by the book." The press secretary also hit out at critics who have noted that Obama's message at political events is largely indistinguishable from his official events."The suggestion that there is something wrong with the fact that the president says the same thing about what his vision is, and what his policies are, and what his beliefs are in front of official audiences, non political audiences, as he does in front of audiences who are his supporters, I think is kinda ridiculous," Carney said.
But what about criticisms that Obama's election-year travel has skewed heavily towards battleground states like Ohio and Florida? "We were recently in Oklahoma. I'm an eternal optimist, but I'm prepared to suggest that it's unlikely that anyone would call that a battleground state," Carney said. As for states like Virginia, Carney said, "the president should not be penalized for the fact that the voters of Virginia decided to vote for him." "You're saying he cannot make official trips to a significant portion of the country because you guys have declared them battleground states?" the spokesman said. "It is impossible for him to appropriately do his job and travel around the country and talk with the American people if he is guided by that kind of narrow view."
MTW- They are going by the book? I do not think that the book has a chapter about the first lady and her dual flight and protection details; this family did not even travel together to Christmas vacation, costing us untold amounts, yet they sure are up in arms over the way the Romney family travels with their dog. On Friday, April 13, 2012, my beautiful Pointer (dog) of 15 years passed away. As we, my sister and I, had finished burying her, I took a few minutes alone at her grave to pray. When I turned to walk away, I looked up. Just that very moment, Air Force One was flying over my house in Melbourne, Florida. Is that not special? A dog eating, non-citizen, unlawfully elected, unqualified, and most inept President of all time curses my beloved Pepper. She deserves better. Maybe he was not on board. What if they dropped him off in Tampa, to go for a ride on one of his 1.1 million dollar Canadian-built buses, picked up some hookers and some cocaine (you can get both here), and went on a little joy ride on our buck. Melbourne International Airport is on the other side of my neighborhood, yet I had, and still have not found out why it was here. There are but 3 or 4 runways at this airport. I was told he was supposed to be in Tampa. (I do not know this to be fact) The pilot must have been lost, as I live on the East Coast, and, you guessed it, Tampa is on the West Coast. I would like to take a good long look at the book that they are using, as it seems to be an invisible, magical tome with every story ever told in it, allowing for any possible interpretation, obviously. Remember, if his lips are moving, try not to step in the bullsh!t, which always seems to be coming out of his mouth. How many people believe his birth certificate is a forgery? Seriously, if any questions I have proposed here have answers known to any of my readers, feel free to comment on this post, or just email us. I would certainly like some of these mysteries solved. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Incidentally, I too am an NRA member, and I loved what Mr. Ted Nugent had to say. Nice way with words, as the metaphors did not escape me. We do seem to have a problem with the coyotes pissing on us. Keep trying, BO, to silence us and our First Amendment Rights, and just try and take on the Second Amendment. I believe sir, that you have already left enough skid marks on the Constitution. I sure hope there is more than one copy. I do not think we want that one back. Carney is correct about one thing, although very poorly stated; It is "kinda ridiculous" that we even have people considering to vote for him a second time. Nobama-Nobiden in 2012! He sure love to travel, so can we not get him a one-way ticket to all points nowhere?
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

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