Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Chicago Politics by Barrack Obama

By Michael T. Wayne
You make me sick, Mr. Obama. Eric Holder, Hilary Clinton and Lois Lerner, who seems to be un-fire-able or under pressure from some one to stay quiet, yet it is the Republicans being partisan. Incorrect sir, and you know it. ALL of the statements I heard today by DEMs were READ. The Republicans used their minds. Benghazi. Need I say more? Who is everyone protecting? Holder signed the warrants on James Rosen, saying he was possibly going to be prosecuted. He lied to Congress when he said what you know he said. Now, he will not even release a statement. Even the EPA is charging Conservative groups for FOIA documents, upwards of 100 thousand. Liberals are not charged a cent. The Military is now having a problem, Major Hasan receiving a trial, rather than a Military Tribunal after killing 13, wounding others shouting Allahu Akbar! all the while. Terrorist. What about the sexual assault crisis, and you do not seem to care about them, at least until this date. Senator McCain was asked to give a woman's daughter a recommendation to serve in the Military. He could not do it in good conscience. Not to mention these things, as well as the many whom have lost the G. I. Bill for college, and live in boxes with PTSD treated sparingly in shit-hole V.A. hospitals. After the IRS discrimination that is going on, Obamacare will be run by the IRS? Really? The American Terrorists, the IRS? One bad apple has spoiled our government. I believe it is you. You are a one DIVISIVE SOB. Why are they (those who drank your Kool-Aid) throwing themselves under buses, as if they were low level, rogue IRS employees for you? Almost forgot about the secret e-mails. Why? You said this Administration was to be "transparent"; however, it is as transparent as illegally tinted windows. Are you involved in something untoward? I believe that you are, in which I have to say that someday, in this world, or the next, you shall receive your justified punishment, but that is not my business. May God have mercy on you Mr. President. I am a CHRISTIAN. A PATRIOT. I believe in the CONSTITUTION and FREEDOM, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. Deal with it lying atheist. Joke: If Jay Carney is speaking, Obama is doing the exact opposite of whatever Carney says; poor guy doing his job, merely made harder due to the information he is given under this tyranny. The last man that gave Americans a fraction if this grief was King George. Do you even know who that was or what it was about? I know one thing, the French Foreign Minister and the British have found evidence if the use of Sarin nerve gas HAS been used by Bashar Al-Assad. Where exactly is that red line in the sand? When do we cross it and kick some ass? No, Jay Carney says we do not have enough evidence, though our allies have found it.
UPDATE: 6/5/13 Obama has appointed Susan Rice to be his National Security Advisor. Unbelievable to be rewarded for lying to us on television. The promotions keep coming as people cover Barry's ass.
UPDATE: 6/6/13 MSNBC host Martin Beshear has stated that the Republicans are using the IRS scandal to "attack the black man in the White House". It would seem that "race" is the best card that blacks can play, and they always do, no matter the problem. It is bullshit; but hey, we are the "racists", not them. I do not believe there is such a thing as "racism". We are all the same race, HUMAN. If it is discrimination, and PROVABLE, then you can bitch about it. If there are wrongdoings at the Presidential level, it does not matter if he were black, white or purple. They need to be investigated.

By Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy- A LOT PATRIOTIC

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