Sunday, September 22, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood Forcing Egypt's Christians To Pay 'Submission' Tax

Leah Barkoukis
It looks like they didn’t stop after looting and burning dozens of churches in Egypt—now the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters are forcing some Coptic Christians in Egypt to pay a jizya tax, author and translator Raymond Ibrahim reported on Sunday:
“…the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters are forcing the roughly 15,000 Christian Copts of Dalga village in south Minya province to pay jizya — the money, or tribute, that conquered non-Muslims historically had to pay to their Islamic overlords “with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued” to safeguard their existence, as indicated in Koran 9:29.”
All Copts in the village are being forced to pay “without exception,” according to Fr. Yunis Shawqi, who spoke this week to Dostor reporters in Dalga. He also said the “value of the tribute and method of payment differ from one place to another in the village, so that, some are being expected to pay 200 Egyptian pounds per day, others 500 Egyptian pounds per day…”
To put those figures in perspective, 200 Egyptian pounds is the equivalent of $29 per day, or $203 per week. Not exactly pocket change. So what happens if a family cannot afford to pay it?
"In some cases, those not able to pay have been attacked, their wives and children beaten and/or kidnapped. As a result, some 40 Christian families have now fled Dalga, joining the ever growing list of displaced Christians in the Middle East."
And this isn’t just happening in Egypt…
"It’s the same in Syria and Iraq. “Rebels” recently went to a Christian man’s “shop and gave him three options: become Muslim; pay $70,000 as a tax levied on non-Muslims, known as jizya; or be killed along with his family…. Androus from Mosul, Iraq… says he received a similar demand via telephone. ‘Because you are infidels, you have to pay jizya,’ he recalled being told over the phone. ‘Either you pay jizya, or we will kill you or your son.’”
MTW-Obama opened the door for the muslim brotherhood in Egypt just as Sean Hannity predicted, but did not call it what it was. A Military coup de ta which would end our funding of them. He gives billions of our tax dollars to countries that HATE us. Why? Poverty here is at an all-time high, there are more part-time jobs than full-time-60/40 which is back asswards and we are viewed by the World as weak because of his ineptitude in establishing foreign relations. Why is he not even helping those of us in poverty- mainly the Black Community? He is the FIRST black man to be elected to this office; rather than make damn sure that they, his fellow blacks and all people living in poverty are helped, he has set back the equality movement back decades as he hypocritically blames everyone but the one with whom the buck stops. Himself; all the while Dr. King is turning in his grave. You sir, are in denial. We are under risk of being taken over by muslim extremists-which is a word you will not say, such as Al-Qaeda who we give money to through several red-tape drowned business contracts. You deny Fort Hood victims benefits by NOT calling Hassan's act "terrorism", and the Boston Marathon bombing is a "tragedy" just like Sandy Hook. How about the park shooting in Chicago by gangs? An AR-15 related accident? Then there is your taking away of the G.I. Bill away from our Soldiers, and acting so flippant about Snowden with the "I'm not going to scramble the jets. He's just a hacker" comment- Russia left him in the airport long enough to send the CIA to get him by the way, thank you President Putin. Your comments have done us nearly as much harm as your job destruction, your debt escalation, Syria's red-line that was not YOUR red-line, and Obamacare- which is killing the 40 hour work week. Bush was "Un-patriotic" for his 4.9 trillion increase to the deficit in two terms. When W. came into office, the debt was $5.73 trillion, and when he left after 8 years it was $10.63 trillion. In less than one term of your presidency you added over $5 trillion developing a "nanny" government, and we now are at a deficit of over $17 trillion. Are you Un-Patriotic? I do not think you ever were a TRUE Patriot. You do not seem to know American History, and those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Who goes to such lengths to hide their past but one with things to hide? You were never qualified for the job, but you bullshitted your path to the Oval Office. Kudos to you for destroying 232 years of work so swiftly. How about Obamacare? Healthcare is BAD ENOUGH without the government intrusion. You folks cannot even do a background check for folks with security clearances- 4 million of them including Pvt. Mr./Ms. Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Aaron Alexis- this is yet another opportunity for you to want to take away our guns so that we will be unarmed when the criminals with guns kill us. Your liberal media had an AR-15 in the Alexis's hand before he was even killed, or the scene having been looked at by investigators. It was a SHOTGUN, such as the kind YOUR vice-president told people to go and buy. Now you want insurance "navigators" with no background check to have at our private medical information? NO SIR. Congress, mainly the Senate, repeat after me- "NO Sir Mr. President". Is that SO hard? You are supposed to stop us from a president who chooses to abuse his authority and his power- which he has done many times, as well as break his oath to uphold the Constitution. I like the de-fund Obamacare while funding the rest of government the House finally gathered up the balls to do, but then there is Harry Reid. The REAL leader of our Nation. Most of you are just lifetime politicians with no care for the Citizens who put you there to represent THEM. Shame on you, if Obama has his way we will be having a jizya tax thrown in our faces. Detroit and Chicago are good examples of the way things run by Democrats end up. 59 gangs in Chicago- Obama's old home precinct, and Rahm Emanuel cuts funding to the anti-gang cops. Smart. God help us.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

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