Friday, November 8, 2013

To Earn Respect, You Have To GIVE Respect

President Bush knows how to treat our soldiers, with respect and gratitude. He was not the perfect president, but none can be perfect.
Surely, I didn't agree with everything he did, but he was a class act when it came to our military & their families.
God bless him, and God bless America.
              (THE LESSON NOW BEGINS)
1. Look them in the eye and give them a firm handshake.

No one appreciates a firm handshake more than a soldier.

2. If they prefer not to shake hands…
…then a chest bump will do.
Just make sure you do duck face afterward so they can laugh at you.
3. Admire their medals. They were hard-earned.
4. Always treat their families with great  respect.         

They have been through more than you could imagine.

5. Laugh with them!
Laughter is a medicine that works 102% of the time.

6. Sometimes it’s important that you treat soldier

the way you would treat anyone else.
7. If you know a soldier, call them on the 4th of July
It will make their day!
8. Or you can Skype them.
9. Each soldier has an amazing story.
10. Listen.

Listening is often the best gift you can give someone.
11. Give them a hug
Soldiers love getting hugged because most of them are big softies deep down.

12. Do a sport with them.       

Soldiers love being active.

President Bush golfs with wounded veterans at the Warrior Open tournament.
13. Make sure you are respectful. 

14. Cook them a big dinner if you can. Lots of meat.

15. But if you only have a minute, look them square in the eye…
And say, “Thank you.”
We promise you they will appreciate it.
God Bless America!
Very heartwarming…
Somehow, I can't imagine our current president doing anything like this!  
 MTW-Courtesy of Gaston College. He is doing a great job at destroying our economy, Country and our Faith that God is still on our side. Now any critics of Obama are called "racists" as far as Oprah (billions made from the folks she calls racist), Harry Belafonte, Chris Noth and MANY more liberals are concerned. We are not even allowed to wear goofy Obama Halloween masks for that is "racist" as well. Forget the fact that every president since Nixon has been made into a mask and mocked- specially GW Bush, as all of our problems are his fault. Obama is half white and half black. We have always had the RIGHT to disagree with our President. Just one more Right he is taking from us. He knows what is best for you, Obama the "All knowing Guru". Sorry, but I believe that you have him confused with GOD. The man has absolutely NO respect for us, the US Citizens or OUR MILITARY; he changes parts of the ACA law when it suits him. That is completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Get the Democrats OUT of the Senate, take the power from Harry Reid, so that we may finally impeach this emperor. Sen. Reid does Obama's dirty work in the Senate. Wake up Nevada!
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

The Tao of Badass 

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