Thursday, May 30, 2013

Eric Holder Will Investigate Eric Holder and More

By Michael T. Wayne
I am truly appalled at the Department of Justice letting Eric Holder, after he perjured himself before Congress on May 15 to investigate the Press intrusions on Fox News correspondent James Rosen, and the 20 Associated Press journalists. Our Nation is in peril. This is merely one of the multiple scandals which this president and his people have caused, and his closest partners, Eric and Hilary. How is this not a conflict of interest?

Eric Holder lying to Congress.
He was held in Contempt of Congress in June, 2012. In February 2009, at a race relations speech, Holder said that we are a Nation of cowards. November 2009, he tried to bring Khalid Shaikh Muhammad to NYC for trial, a terrorist. He sued Arizona in July 2012 over their immigration policy. On May 15, 2013 he appeared before Congress, and said, and I quote, "With regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, this is not something that, um, I've ever been involved in or heard of". He, um, lied I think. It is a little obvious when the Judge who issued the warrants was told something entirely different.
And as he was asked several questions, he began to look nervous, after his rant about his innocence, and said that he had never heard of anything about this. He seems confused, since he knew it went on and he himself signed the warrant on Rosen, spying on his e-mails and communications. This is unacceptable, as he violated the First Amendment, and has at the very least misled Congress. It is shameful, yet all to often the behavior of the ones in power.
Holder's misdeeds notwithstanding, we were overwhelmed with other scandals from this administration.
The IRS, Division of Tax-Exemption, as directed to do so by Lois Lerner as recently as May 6, 2013 was STILL targeting the dwindling few of us who are truly Patriots. Such is as it went for the supposed to be tax-exempt Linchpins of Liberty, an educational institution founded by Kevin Kookogey, asks for MORE information before they can complete this application on this prior C3 Applicant, asking private questions such as the names of the people they were teaching, some of whom are minors. Should that not bother any parent? They also want the location of where they were being taught. They are not Tea Party associates, as if it matters. The word "Liberty" is in their name. When did liberty become a bad word for free people to use? We were FOUNDED ON THAT VERY PRINCIPLE, yet the "IRS", not Obama is giving out a free colonoscopy to them. Medical organizations are even having trouble getting their tax-exempt status to the point of giving up. At least 25 companies still await their tax-exempt status and are suing the IRS, as it is supposed to be non-partisan and unrelated to the Obama administration. Why is the IRS in charge of Obamacare? Can they be trusted any longer? We are endowed by God with the Right of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, or so it says in the Bill of Rights. If any of the upcoming law suits are won by the plaintiffs, in any financial way, how in the world will the IRS still exist? Raise taxes on US? It is supposed to oversee Obamacare, which itself is rife with taxes so completely obfuscated that Congress did not read it, and exempted themselves from it. How will that work? We do not trust the IRS as a rule, after all of the years of threats and audits perpetuated upon innocent American Citizens. Lois Lerner's previous director, Sarah Hall Ingram, was promoted to oversee Obamacare. Lois Lerner said she did nothing wrong, and then took the 5th Amendment on self-incrimination, and refuses to resign per request of her superior. She is on PAID Administrative leave, at 170k per year?????
I had a lot more to say, but I find myself exhausted as I research this administration and its Chicago-style crooked politics; yet many Liberals will defend him simply out of ignorance. I shall write about Benghazi and China- purchasing Smithfield Food for 4.7 billion at a later date. Meanwhile, Armor hotdogs and any product made by a Chinese food company MUST NOT be ingested by any of us. It could be rat meat. Literally. Here is a picture:

Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy, A LOT MORE PATRIOTIC. Come and get me, even though I am a Moderate. I believe in God and the Constitution. If you think I am wrong in my belief, that is your right, just as I am entitled to mine.

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