Tuesday, July 17, 2012

NAGR On The Disclose Act

Dear American Citizen,
Anti-gun Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants to make pro-freedom groups like the National Association for Gun Rights shut their mouths.
And he has scheduled a vote today on the DISCLOSE Act (S. 3369) to do just that.
That's why I need you to call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 right now and demand they vote "NO" on the DISCLOSE Act at every opportunity.
If DISCLOSE becomes law, the National Association for Gun Rights could be forced to turn over personal information of our donors if we spend more than $10,000 in a new mandatory government reporting period.
Take a second to think about what this means . . .
During election season, if NAGR tells our members and supporters that their elected officials voted for an anti-gun bill, a government bureaucrat could decide NAGR is "electioneering" and force us to turn over private donor information.
Plain and simple, the DISCLOSE Act is an attempt to quiet gun owners and shred our First Amendment rights.
Please call your U.S. Senators right now.
Let them know that you want them to vote "NO" on the DISCLOSE Act and that you will consider a vote for the bill an anti-gun vote.
You may remember that NAGR led the fight against the DISCLOSE Act in June of 2010. Calls and emails from grassroots gun rights supporters pushed back against DISCLOSE then, but it's back and the vote could happen at any moment today.
So please, call your U.S. Senators right now at 202-224-3121 and demand they vote "NO" on the DISCLOSE Act (S. 3369).
Thanks in advance for taking action.
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President
P.S. The National Association for Gun Rights is working literally day and night to defeat the DISCLOSE Act.
MTW-Just passing on the information from the NAGR.
Posted by Michael T. Wayne- A Little Crazy

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